Michif Languages Project 1985

Louise Chippeway conducts research on languages used in Métis communities.
Manitoba Métis Federation; Michif Languages Committee

In 1984, the Manitoba Métis Federation formed the Michif Languages Committee to address concerns surrounding the loss of culture and identity of the Métis, due to declining language prevalence. The work undertaken by the committee researched, recorded, and preserved the linguistic heritage of the Métis through a series of conferences, field research projects, and networking with interested individuals, institutions, and governments.In the spring of 1985, the Michif Languages Committee engaged the services of Louise Chippeway to research the languages used in Métis communities. Through her research, Louise secured ten hours of taped interviews with community elders.In addition to her work, Louise was assisted by Abraham Ledoux who contributed previously recorded interviews with elders in Duck Bay, Manitoba. The interviews were conducted by Abraham in 1971.