Li Saeñcheur Fleshii/Sash
Verna and Elvis Demontigny are actively involved in the production of a Saeñcheur Fleshii while conversing in the Michif language.Transcription:
How are you all?
My name is Elvis Demontigny.
00:21 My name is Verna Demontigny.
00:24 Today, we will make...
00:28 A little Métis sash.
00:31 This is a big Métis sash.
00:34 A big...
A big Métis sash.
00:38 A small sash.
A small sash.
00:43 For a book.
For a book.
00:47 To mark where you're reading.
00:52 To mark.
00:55 To mark.
To mark.
01:01 Where you're reading.
Where you're reading.
01:06 Yes.
01:16 First...
01:17 First, instructions.
First, instructions.
01:21 Instructions.
01:25 Instructions.
01:30 Take...
01:32 Your yarn string.
01:35 Yarn. Yarn.
Yarn. Yarn.
01:40 Green.
01:44 Blue.
01:48 Yellow.
01:51 Yellow.
01:55 White.
01:57 White.
02:02 Black.
02:07 Red.
02:10 Yes, yes.
02:13 Yarn. Yarn.
02:15 Yarn.
Red, white.
Green, blue, black, yellow.
02:25 Red, red.
02:29 Red.
02:30 The first one...
The first one...
02:33 That's written...
That's written...
02:37 1816.
02:41 It says...
02:44 It says
02:45 'For blood'
'For blood. '
02:47 'The Métis, when they were fighting.'
'The Métis, when they were fighting.'
02:52 And.
02:55 For fall.
And for fall.
02:58 When it's warm.
When it's warm.
03:00 When it's warm.
03:02 The white, the white.
The white.
03:04 Is the connection
Is the connection
03:07 with the Earth or land
with the Earth or land...
03:10 And the creator.
03:12 And the creator.
03:14 And...
03:15 The colour...
And the colour...
03:19 The infinity on the flag.
The infinity on the flag.
03:25 That's there.
That's there.
03:27 And too...
03:30 For the North.
03:33 The North.
And for the North.
03:37 North and snow...
03:40 That's clean. Purity. Purity.
03:45 Yes, yes.
03:46 Blue.
03:48 Blue.
03:50 How we feel. Depth of our spirit.
03:53 Inside.
How we feel inside.
03:57 Inside.
03:58 Our spirit.
Our spirit.
04:01 Yes. And the colour...
And the colour...
04:05 For the flag.
For the flag.
04:08 Blue and white.
Blue and white.
04:12 And for water.
And for water.
04:16 And the West.
04:18 West.
And the West, yes.
04:19 The green.
The green.
04:22 The green it says 'where everything is growing'.
04:22 Fertility.
It says 'where everything is growing'.
04:30 And the Métis.
04:32 Should be healthy.
And the Métis to be healthy.
04:36 It says Summer, too.
04:40 Where everything grows.
04:45 Yes.
04:47 The black.
The black.
04:50 It says 'when we have a hard time'.
04:55 The Métis, when they have a hard time.
05:01 When they had a hard time, the Métis.
When they had a hard time, the Métis.
05:08 When their land was taken away from them.
05:12 The land was taken away from them.
05:17 Taken away from them.
05:21 Yes.
05:22 The yellow...
The yellow.
05:26 It says 'honour'. It says honour and respect.
05:31 And respect.
05:35 When the sun rises, or shines...
05:39 Every morning.
The sun that shines every morning.
05:46 A new day, new for us to have.
05:54 You, now.
05:55 Read.
05:58 Red, red.
07:22 Ah, yes.
07:23 Now, now...
07:26 I will show- I will show.
07:30 Now...
07:32 This is called a loom. A loom. A loom.
A loom.
07:45 This is a pattern.
07:48 A pattern.
A pattern.
07:50 A pattern.
07:55 Yarn, yarn.
07:59 Red.
08:00 Red yarn.
08:02 Green yarn.
08:04 White yarn.
08:07 Blue yarn.
08:10 Black yarn.
08:13 Yellow yarn.
08:17 A pattern
08:19 pattern.
A pattern.
08:21 A pattern.
08:22 I make in my head.
A pattern I make in my head. In my head.
08:28 Now...
08:30 The yarn, I cut it.
I cut it. I cut it.
I cut the yarn.
08:40 With the scissors.
08:40 The yarn, I cut it with the scissors. With the scissors.
08:40 With the scissors.
08:41 After here, here, I tie it.
08:45 Here, first, at the bottom, I tie it.
First, I tie it in the bottom.
08:56 I tie it.
08:59 Again, another one.
09:01 I cut it.
Another one, again, another one I cut.
09:08 I cut another one.
09:12 I cut another one.
09:21 Around, I put...
09:26 On top.
09:29 Around, I put here, on this little string, I put it through and I tie
it here.
09:39 Bottom...
09:42 On top...
09:45 Bottom...
09:49 Up.
09:53 After now, I take my shuttle.
09:58 A little board, a shuttle.
10:00 A shuttle.
A shuttle. And...
10:04 And...
10:07 I put it through, back and forth.
Back and forth.
10:14 Back and forth.
10:18 Yes.
Yes. Back and forth.
10:16 Yes.
10:35 I put it through each in turns.
10:44 This way now.
10:46 This way.
This way.
10:48 I put this down...
10:51 I put this down...
I put this down.
10:55 I put this inside.
I put it inside.
11:02 Yes.
11:03 And I pull it through.
11:05 I pull it through.
I pull it through.
11:08 Yes.
11:09 This way now.
11:11 This way.
This way.
11:13 I put it up...
11:15 Up.
I put it up.
11:19 My shuttle, I put it through.
11:24 I put it through.
11:25 I pull it through, I pull it through. One more time.
11:33 I put it down...
11:36 I put it down...
11:42 I pull it through.
I pull it through.
11:46 This way now.
11:47 I bring it up...
I bring it up.
11:52 I put it through...
11:58 I finish over here.
12:01 This goes around...
12:04 I finish here.
12:07 I finish here.
A scissors.
A scissors. A big scissors.
12:23 A big scissors.
12:27 Tape.
12:31 Yarn.
12:33 Yarn.
12:34 What colour, the yarn?
12:36 What colour?
12:37 Many colours.
12:39 Black.
12:40 Yes.
12:43 White.
12:44 Blue.
12:46 Red, red.
12:49 Yellow, yellow.
12:51 Green, green.
Green and white.
A book.
A book.
A little sash.
13:07 Yes.
13:08 For the book.
For the book.
13:10 Yes. For the book.
13:12 Yes.
13:14 It holds your place.
It holds your place.
13:18 Yes.
It holds your place, yes.
13:21 We'll start. We'll start. We'll start.
13:24 Two colours.
Two colours.
13:26 Choose.
Two colours.
Green and red.
13:35 Red.
13:36 Me, blue and yellow.
13:43 Cut the yarn.
13:46 Cut about this long.
Cut the yarn about this big.
13:59 Yes. Yes. Yes.
14:04 Four green.
Four green, four green.
14:10 Four strings.
Four strings.
14:13 Four strings.
The same?
14:15 The same, the same.
14:26 Four.
14:56 Yes.
14:59 Four red.
Ð Four red.
15:02 Four red, four red.
15:09 The same. The same.
Four red, the same. Yes.
15:28 Cut. Cut it.
One, cut.
15:33 Cut four.
Cut four, yes.
15:44 Yes.
16:28 Yes.
A little sash.
16:47 Four.
16:49 Do you have four?
Yes, I have four with green.
I have four red.
17:03 Me too. Me too.
I am ready, yes.
17:22 Now, now, about this much.
17:26 Make it.
About this much.
17:28 About this much, make it.
17:34 About this much.
17:40 About this much.
17:44 Not much
17:46 Not much.
About this much.
18:00 Yeah.
18:01 Tie it. Tie it.
Tie it.
18:05 Tie it.
Tie it.
18:07 Tie it.
18:11 Tie it.
18:15 Just a little bit.
18:16 Doesn't have to be hard.
318:19 Just a little bit. Tie it.
Tie it.
18:24 Tie it.
Tie it.
18:27 Tie it.
18:29 Yes, tie it.
18:31 Now...
18:34 Put it like this.
18:36 Put it like this.
18:38 Put it like this. Put it like this.
18:41 A little bit down. Here.
18:43 Yes.
18:46 Take the tape.
18:48 Take the tape.
18:52 Put it here.
18:54 Where you tied it.
18:56 Put it here.
Put tape, put tape.
19:05 A bigger one.
19:06 Not to...
19:10 Not to...
19:10 Break it.
19:23 Yes.
19:25 Yes.
19:27 Yes.
19:28 Now, divide your colours.
19:34 Divide your colours. Divide your colours.
19:38 Divide your colours.
19:41 Put it right this way.
Put right this way.
19:48 Separate them this way.
19:50 Separate them this way.
Divide- Separate them.
19:53 Separate.
19:57 Yes, yes.
19:58 Now, this one, hold it in your hand.
This one, hold it in your hand.
20:06 In your hand.
20:09 You always start from this side.
20:12 Always from the right you start.
20:16 This one you take it and you put like this.
20:20 This way.
20:22 Take it, put it like this.
Put it.
20:27 Put it. Yes.
20:28 Now...
20:32 Now, the blue, or the green, you start over here to the right.
20:42 Start.
20:43 Put it to the right.
20:46 Put them between your colours.
20:50 Between.
Between your colours. Between.
20:55 Between.
20:57 You always know which string to pick up from this one.
21:04 You see this one?
21:06 You see this one?
21:07 Yes.
21:08 These ones, you pick up.
These ones, you pick up.
21:12 This one you start first, pick them up.
21:16 Pick them up.
21:18 Pick them up.
21:19 Pick them up.
Pick them up.
21:22 Pick them up.
21:28 Pick them up.
21:31 These ones, hold them like this.
21:35 That one too.
21:41 Put it up this way.
21:45 Yes, yes.
21:47 Now, this one you hold in your hand.
21:54 Yes.
21:55 From this side, put it like this.
22:02 Yes.
22:06 And now these ones.
22:11 You start from the outside.
22:19 Don't mix them up.
22:24 Or you'll have a hard time.
22:26 Don't mix them up, you'll have a hard time.
22:30 You'll have a hard time.
22:33 Yes.
22:34 Now, start over here, pick them up.
Here, pick them up.
22:39 Pick them up.
Yes. Pick them up.
22:44 Pick them up.
22:45 Put them together.
22:47 Put them together.
Put them together.
22:52 Put it up.
22:56 Pull it up.
Pull it up.
22:57 Pull it up. Yes.
23:01 Pull it up.
23:02 A little bit more.
23:04 Yes, yes.
23:05 Now, these ones you put in your hand.
23:12 You start from the outside.
23:15 You put it this way. You put it this way, yes.
23:20 Straighten them out.
23:24 Straighten them out from here.
23:28 Start.
23:31 Yes.
23:34 Yes.
23:39 Yes.
23:52 We'll start?
We'll start, yes.
23:55 Again.
23:56 You see? You can see a pattern already.
23:58 You see the pattern? Yes?
24:01 The pattern.
Yes, I see the pattern.
24:09 You know now?
24:14 Yes, pick it up.
Pick it up.
24:18 Pull it up.
24:20 Pull it up.
24:24 Yes. Pull it up.
24:25 Start again.
Start again.
24:31 Yes.
24:43 That's how.
24:44 Always like that.
24:46 Always like that.
24:51 Always like that.
24:44 Always like that.
24:48 You know now?
Yes, I know. Yes.
25:13 You can make really good...
25:18 You can put your strings, your yarn, like this.
25:21 You see?
25:23 Pull your yarn like this.
25:27 Pull your yarn like this by one, so they'll go right here.
25:34 You see it?
25:36 Yes.
25:47 You see it?
25:50 One by one, pull.
25:52 One by one, pull.
25:54 Like this?
25:56 Like this.
25:57 Like this. You see it?
Yes. Like this. Like this.
26:08 So it'll go right, that way.
26:11 It'll go right.
26:13 See? You can see a pattern already.
26:14 You see the pattern?
Yes, a pattern.
26:32 Me?
26:33 I do this.
26:37 When I first started I did that. Now, I do this.
26:42 I'll show you.
26:44 I will show you, look.
I will show you.
26:46 I will show you.
26:48 You see?
26:49 This one.
26:51 This one.
26:55 This one.
26:56 I put on the outside, like this.
26:58 You see?
27:00 And these...
27:01 I hold in my hand, and between I pick them up.
27:08 You see?
27:12 Between, I pick up like this.
27:16 I pick up. I pick up, between.
27:21 I pick that one and I put it up.
27:25 Like that.
27:36 When will you work on it?
27:39 You can do this after.
27:45 Like this.
27:53 You weave it. You weave it. Yes.
27:58 Now, now, this one.
28:07 This one, too, you hold in your hand.
28:10 This one, too, you hold, now you put this like this.
28:17 What did you do here?
28:19 Wait. Put it down.
28:22 Let this one down.
28:23 This, hold this one.
28:25 Now, in between here, you put your hand...
28:30 You pick up, between that second one, you pick up, between the third
one, and the fourth you pick up.
28:45 This one you hold.
28:48 And you pull up.
28:49 You see that?
28:52 Yes, yes.
28:53 Yes.
28:56 Yes.
28:59 Yeah.
29:02 This one now, put it down.
29:06 Put it down here.
29:09 This one you put in your hand.
29:12 This one you put in your hand.
29:14 This one, put-
29:16 But don't hold it too high.
29:18 More down. Don't hold too high.
29:21 Yeah, like that.
29:24 And, in between now, pick up.
29:27 Between.
29:29 Yes, yes. And...
29:36 Here too, now this one pick up, and pull up.
29:43 Hold it here, here. Hold it here.
29:47 Pull it up.
29:48 Yes. Yes.
29:50 Yes.
29:53 Like that.
29:54 It's good, eh?
29:56 It's good, eh? It's good.
29:58 If, if you have to... uh, the telephone or to cook, this one, you tie
like this, and again you can come work on it.
If the telephone...
How did you say? Say it again?
30:23 Tie it.
30:24 If you have to answer the phone, or to cook, tie it.
30:30 This one on top, you tie like this.
30:33 Like this.
30:38 After you can come back.
30:41 Ah, I'll work on it.
30:43 This one, again.
30:48 Yes, yes.
30:48 Yes.
A little sash.
30:57 Yes.
30:58 Wait, wait.
31:00 And so, when you're done your little sash, here, you weave it, braid it
like a braid.
31:15 You weave, you tie it, you're done.
31:21 Like this.
31:22 Again, we'll see you all again.
31:27 Again. Again.
31:28 Again.
31:30 Ooh, we're done, we're done, I'm done.
My name is Elvis Demontigny.
00:21 My name is Verna Demontigny.
00:24 Today, we will make...
00:28 A little Métis sash.
00:31 This is a big Métis sash.
00:34 A big...
A big Métis sash.
00:38 A small sash.
A small sash.
00:43 For a book.
For a book.
00:47 To mark where you're reading.
00:52 To mark.
00:55 To mark.
To mark.
01:01 Where you're reading.
Where you're reading.
01:06 Yes.
01:16 First...
01:17 First, instructions.
First, instructions.
01:21 Instructions.
01:25 Instructions.
01:30 Take...
01:32 Your yarn string.
01:35 Yarn. Yarn.
Yarn. Yarn.
01:40 Green.
01:44 Blue.
01:48 Yellow.
01:51 Yellow.
01:55 White.
01:57 White.
02:02 Black.
02:07 Red.
02:10 Yes, yes.
02:13 Yarn. Yarn.
02:15 Yarn.
Red, white.
Green, blue, black, yellow.
02:25 Red, red.
02:29 Red.
02:30 The first one...
The first one...
02:33 That's written...
That's written...
02:37 1816.
02:41 It says...
02:44 It says
02:45 'For blood'
'For blood. '
02:47 'The Métis, when they were fighting.'
'The Métis, when they were fighting.'
02:52 And.
02:55 For fall.
And for fall.
02:58 When it's warm.
When it's warm.
03:00 When it's warm.
03:02 The white, the white.
The white.
03:04 Is the connection
Is the connection
03:07 with the Earth or land
with the Earth or land...
03:10 And the creator.
03:12 And the creator.
03:14 And...
03:15 The colour...
And the colour...
03:19 The infinity on the flag.
The infinity on the flag.
03:25 That's there.
That's there.
03:27 And too...
03:30 For the North.
03:33 The North.
And for the North.
03:37 North and snow...
03:40 That's clean. Purity. Purity.
03:45 Yes, yes.
03:46 Blue.
03:48 Blue.
03:50 How we feel. Depth of our spirit.
03:53 Inside.
How we feel inside.
03:57 Inside.
03:58 Our spirit.
Our spirit.
04:01 Yes. And the colour...
And the colour...
04:05 For the flag.
For the flag.
04:08 Blue and white.
Blue and white.
04:12 And for water.
And for water.
04:16 And the West.
04:18 West.
And the West, yes.
04:19 The green.
The green.
04:22 The green it says 'where everything is growing'.
04:22 Fertility.
It says 'where everything is growing'.
04:30 And the Métis.
04:32 Should be healthy.
And the Métis to be healthy.
04:36 It says Summer, too.
04:40 Where everything grows.
04:45 Yes.
04:47 The black.
The black.
04:50 It says 'when we have a hard time'.
04:55 The Métis, when they have a hard time.
05:01 When they had a hard time, the Métis.
When they had a hard time, the Métis.
05:08 When their land was taken away from them.
05:12 The land was taken away from them.
05:17 Taken away from them.
05:21 Yes.
05:22 The yellow...
The yellow.
05:26 It says 'honour'. It says honour and respect.
05:31 And respect.
05:35 When the sun rises, or shines...
05:39 Every morning.
The sun that shines every morning.
05:46 A new day, new for us to have.
05:54 You, now.
05:55 Read.
05:58 Red, red.
07:22 Ah, yes.
07:23 Now, now...
07:26 I will show- I will show.
07:30 Now...
07:32 This is called a loom. A loom. A loom.
A loom.
07:45 This is a pattern.
07:48 A pattern.
A pattern.
07:50 A pattern.
07:55 Yarn, yarn.
07:59 Red.
08:00 Red yarn.
08:02 Green yarn.
08:04 White yarn.
08:07 Blue yarn.
08:10 Black yarn.
08:13 Yellow yarn.
08:17 A pattern
08:19 pattern.
A pattern.
08:21 A pattern.
08:22 I make in my head.
A pattern I make in my head. In my head.
08:28 Now...
08:30 The yarn, I cut it.
I cut it. I cut it.
I cut the yarn.
08:40 With the scissors.
08:40 The yarn, I cut it with the scissors. With the scissors.
08:40 With the scissors.
08:41 After here, here, I tie it.
08:45 Here, first, at the bottom, I tie it.
First, I tie it in the bottom.
08:56 I tie it.
08:59 Again, another one.
09:01 I cut it.
Another one, again, another one I cut.
09:08 I cut another one.
09:12 I cut another one.
09:21 Around, I put...
09:26 On top.
09:29 Around, I put here, on this little string, I put it through and I tie
it here.
09:39 Bottom...
09:42 On top...
09:45 Bottom...
09:49 Up.
09:53 After now, I take my shuttle.
09:58 A little board, a shuttle.
10:00 A shuttle.
A shuttle. And...
10:04 And...
10:07 I put it through, back and forth.
Back and forth.
10:14 Back and forth.
10:18 Yes.
Yes. Back and forth.
10:16 Yes.
10:35 I put it through each in turns.
10:44 This way now.
10:46 This way.
This way.
10:48 I put this down...
10:51 I put this down...
I put this down.
10:55 I put this inside.
I put it inside.
11:02 Yes.
11:03 And I pull it through.
11:05 I pull it through.
I pull it through.
11:08 Yes.
11:09 This way now.
11:11 This way.
This way.
11:13 I put it up...
11:15 Up.
I put it up.
11:19 My shuttle, I put it through.
11:24 I put it through.
11:25 I pull it through, I pull it through. One more time.
11:33 I put it down...
11:36 I put it down...
11:42 I pull it through.
I pull it through.
11:46 This way now.
11:47 I bring it up...
I bring it up.
11:52 I put it through...
11:58 I finish over here.
12:01 This goes around...
12:04 I finish here.
12:07 I finish here.
A scissors.
A scissors. A big scissors.
12:23 A big scissors.
12:27 Tape.
12:31 Yarn.
12:33 Yarn.
12:34 What colour, the yarn?
12:36 What colour?
12:37 Many colours.
12:39 Black.
12:40 Yes.
12:43 White.
12:44 Blue.
12:46 Red, red.
12:49 Yellow, yellow.
12:51 Green, green.
Green and white.
A book.
A book.
A little sash.
13:07 Yes.
13:08 For the book.
For the book.
13:10 Yes. For the book.
13:12 Yes.
13:14 It holds your place.
It holds your place.
13:18 Yes.
It holds your place, yes.
13:21 We'll start. We'll start. We'll start.
13:24 Two colours.
Two colours.
13:26 Choose.
Two colours.
Green and red.
13:35 Red.
13:36 Me, blue and yellow.
13:43 Cut the yarn.
13:46 Cut about this long.
Cut the yarn about this big.
13:59 Yes. Yes. Yes.
14:04 Four green.
Four green, four green.
14:10 Four strings.
Four strings.
14:13 Four strings.
The same?
14:15 The same, the same.
14:26 Four.
14:56 Yes.
14:59 Four red.
Ð Four red.
15:02 Four red, four red.
15:09 The same. The same.
Four red, the same. Yes.
15:28 Cut. Cut it.
One, cut.
15:33 Cut four.
Cut four, yes.
15:44 Yes.
16:28 Yes.
A little sash.
16:47 Four.
16:49 Do you have four?
Yes, I have four with green.
I have four red.
17:03 Me too. Me too.
I am ready, yes.
17:22 Now, now, about this much.
17:26 Make it.
About this much.
17:28 About this much, make it.
17:34 About this much.
17:40 About this much.
17:44 Not much
17:46 Not much.
About this much.
18:00 Yeah.
18:01 Tie it. Tie it.
Tie it.
18:05 Tie it.
Tie it.
18:07 Tie it.
18:11 Tie it.
18:15 Just a little bit.
18:16 Doesn't have to be hard.
318:19 Just a little bit. Tie it.
Tie it.
18:24 Tie it.
Tie it.
18:27 Tie it.
18:29 Yes, tie it.
18:31 Now...
18:34 Put it like this.
18:36 Put it like this.
18:38 Put it like this. Put it like this.
18:41 A little bit down. Here.
18:43 Yes.
18:46 Take the tape.
18:48 Take the tape.
18:52 Put it here.
18:54 Where you tied it.
18:56 Put it here.
Put tape, put tape.
19:05 A bigger one.
19:06 Not to...
19:10 Not to...
19:10 Break it.
19:23 Yes.
19:25 Yes.
19:27 Yes.
19:28 Now, divide your colours.
19:34 Divide your colours. Divide your colours.
19:38 Divide your colours.
19:41 Put it right this way.
Put right this way.
19:48 Separate them this way.
19:50 Separate them this way.
Divide- Separate them.
19:53 Separate.
19:57 Yes, yes.
19:58 Now, this one, hold it in your hand.
This one, hold it in your hand.
20:06 In your hand.
20:09 You always start from this side.
20:12 Always from the right you start.
20:16 This one you take it and you put like this.
20:20 This way.
20:22 Take it, put it like this.
Put it.
20:27 Put it. Yes.
20:28 Now...
20:32 Now, the blue, or the green, you start over here to the right.
20:42 Start.
20:43 Put it to the right.
20:46 Put them between your colours.
20:50 Between.
Between your colours. Between.
20:55 Between.
20:57 You always know which string to pick up from this one.
21:04 You see this one?
21:06 You see this one?
21:07 Yes.
21:08 These ones, you pick up.
These ones, you pick up.
21:12 This one you start first, pick them up.
21:16 Pick them up.
21:18 Pick them up.
21:19 Pick them up.
Pick them up.
21:22 Pick them up.
21:28 Pick them up.
21:31 These ones, hold them like this.
21:35 That one too.
21:41 Put it up this way.
21:45 Yes, yes.
21:47 Now, this one you hold in your hand.
21:54 Yes.
21:55 From this side, put it like this.
22:02 Yes.
22:06 And now these ones.
22:11 You start from the outside.
22:19 Don't mix them up.
22:24 Or you'll have a hard time.
22:26 Don't mix them up, you'll have a hard time.
22:30 You'll have a hard time.
22:33 Yes.
22:34 Now, start over here, pick them up.
Here, pick them up.
22:39 Pick them up.
Yes. Pick them up.
22:44 Pick them up.
22:45 Put them together.
22:47 Put them together.
Put them together.
22:52 Put it up.
22:56 Pull it up.
Pull it up.
22:57 Pull it up. Yes.
23:01 Pull it up.
23:02 A little bit more.
23:04 Yes, yes.
23:05 Now, these ones you put in your hand.
23:12 You start from the outside.
23:15 You put it this way. You put it this way, yes.
23:20 Straighten them out.
23:24 Straighten them out from here.
23:28 Start.
23:31 Yes.
23:34 Yes.
23:39 Yes.
23:52 We'll start?
We'll start, yes.
23:55 Again.
23:56 You see? You can see a pattern already.
23:58 You see the pattern? Yes?
24:01 The pattern.
Yes, I see the pattern.
24:09 You know now?
24:14 Yes, pick it up.
Pick it up.
24:18 Pull it up.
24:20 Pull it up.
24:24 Yes. Pull it up.
24:25 Start again.
Start again.
24:31 Yes.
24:43 That's how.
24:44 Always like that.
24:46 Always like that.
24:51 Always like that.
24:44 Always like that.
24:48 You know now?
Yes, I know. Yes.
25:13 You can make really good...
25:18 You can put your strings, your yarn, like this.
25:21 You see?
25:23 Pull your yarn like this.
25:27 Pull your yarn like this by one, so they'll go right here.
25:34 You see it?
25:36 Yes.
25:47 You see it?
25:50 One by one, pull.
25:52 One by one, pull.
25:54 Like this?
25:56 Like this.
25:57 Like this. You see it?
Yes. Like this. Like this.
26:08 So it'll go right, that way.
26:11 It'll go right.
26:13 See? You can see a pattern already.
26:14 You see the pattern?
Yes, a pattern.
26:32 Me?
26:33 I do this.
26:37 When I first started I did that. Now, I do this.
26:42 I'll show you.
26:44 I will show you, look.
I will show you.
26:46 I will show you.
26:48 You see?
26:49 This one.
26:51 This one.
26:55 This one.
26:56 I put on the outside, like this.
26:58 You see?
27:00 And these...
27:01 I hold in my hand, and between I pick them up.
27:08 You see?
27:12 Between, I pick up like this.
27:16 I pick up. I pick up, between.
27:21 I pick that one and I put it up.
27:25 Like that.
27:36 When will you work on it?
27:39 You can do this after.
27:45 Like this.
27:53 You weave it. You weave it. Yes.
27:58 Now, now, this one.
28:07 This one, too, you hold in your hand.
28:10 This one, too, you hold, now you put this like this.
28:17 What did you do here?
28:19 Wait. Put it down.
28:22 Let this one down.
28:23 This, hold this one.
28:25 Now, in between here, you put your hand...
28:30 You pick up, between that second one, you pick up, between the third
one, and the fourth you pick up.
28:45 This one you hold.
28:48 And you pull up.
28:49 You see that?
28:52 Yes, yes.
28:53 Yes.
28:56 Yes.
28:59 Yeah.
29:02 This one now, put it down.
29:06 Put it down here.
29:09 This one you put in your hand.
29:12 This one you put in your hand.
29:14 This one, put-
29:16 But don't hold it too high.
29:18 More down. Don't hold too high.
29:21 Yeah, like that.
29:24 And, in between now, pick up.
29:27 Between.
29:29 Yes, yes. And...
29:36 Here too, now this one pick up, and pull up.
29:43 Hold it here, here. Hold it here.
29:47 Pull it up.
29:48 Yes. Yes.
29:50 Yes.
29:53 Like that.
29:54 It's good, eh?
29:56 It's good, eh? It's good.
29:58 If, if you have to... uh, the telephone or to cook, this one, you tie
like this, and again you can come work on it.
If the telephone...
How did you say? Say it again?
30:23 Tie it.
30:24 If you have to answer the phone, or to cook, tie it.
30:30 This one on top, you tie like this.
30:33 Like this.
30:38 After you can come back.
30:41 Ah, I'll work on it.
30:43 This one, again.
30:48 Yes, yes.
30:48 Yes.
A little sash.
30:57 Yes.
30:58 Wait, wait.
31:00 And so, when you're done your little sash, here, you weave it, braid it
like a braid.
31:15 You weave, you tie it, you're done.
31:21 Like this.
31:22 Again, we'll see you all again.
31:27 Again. Again.
31:28 Again.
31:30 Ooh, we're done, we're done, I'm done.
Location Description:
Brandon, Manitoba
Michif; Southern Michif; Heritage Michif; Michif Cree; Awn/Ann Cree, Métis Sash, Li Saeñcheur Fleshii, Ceinture FléchéeCollections:
Original Date:
© 2021 Prairies to Woodlands Indigenous Language Revitalization Circle
(permission required to use or reproduce content)
Prairies to Woodlands Langauge Rivitalization Circle. "Li Saeñcheur Fleshii/Sash." Louis Riel Institute. Louis Riel Institute Archives. Accessed 23 January 2025,ñcheur-fleshiisashSource:
Louis Riel InstitutePublisher:
Louis Riel InstituteType: