ZOOM Recording December 14, 2020
00:27 Ready? I’m ready.
00:30 How are you today?
00:33 I’m OK today. I’m OK tonight. I’m OK tonight. Melana and Marilyn are alright tonight…too.
00:47 They are home? Are the home? They are home?
00:55 Yes. They are home.
1:00 What are they doing?
1:05 They are sleeping?
1:06 They are not sleeping….
1:16 She sees it…
1:20 She sees the TV.
1:30 Melana….[loving her cat.]
1:33 ‘Shakihew’ [She loves him.] She loves him… her cat.
1:39 She loves her cat.
1:41 She loves her cat.
1:48 Salem, my cat…with me…in my room
1:58 [Oh…] He is in your room? Right now?
2:01 Yes, yes, yes… How do you say “taking care of grandpa”?
2:07 ‘Pishkeeyimeew Grandpa’ [He is taking care of grandpa.]
2:13 He is taking care of Grandpa. Yes.
2:19 It is cold today, yes?
2:21 It is cold tonight. Yes… It is cold tonight. Yes….
2:27 Today too.
2:29 Today too…. Yes…. It is cold. Yes.
2:34 The afternoon…. [mumbles]
2:42 ‘mooñ shar’ ‘mooñ shar’ [my car]
2:44 ‘mooñ shar’ [my car]
3:07 You car…
3:34 [Oh!] I understand now! It is cold inside the car.
3:36 It is cold in the car.
3:42 Your ‘heater’ isn’t working?
3:36 You don’t have heat?
3:49 No heat.
4:06 It will snow tonight, you think? It will snow tonight?
4:16 Perhaps.
4:18 Perhaps.
4:21 It snowed today.
4:23 It snowed today? [Verna looks confused.]
4:29 In the morning? [Oh? I didn’t…] I didn’t know. I was sleeping. I was sleeping.
4:35 Last night…
4:37 Last night it snowed.
4:42 But not today…? Not today?
4:46 Not today. No.
4:57 ‘Ki-shakihitin, koohkom! [I love you, grandma!]
4:59 [ki-]shakihitin, ‘my girl’! [Love you, my girl!]
5:06 I was sleeping. I was sleeping, me, today, because… I wasn’t feeling well. I was feeling somewhat ill. I went to see the doctor. You understand?
5:24 Yes…
5:31 Yes… I was feeling poorly. [ I wasn’t feeling good.]
5:39 I was feeling poorly….
6:05 Do you want to be the [removed] [reporter] tonight… for the weather?
6:18 How are you all? In Brandon, Elvis Demontigny your reporter tonight… In brandon, [minus] 17…?
6:44 Oh yes! Yes…
6:46 [Minus] 17 [degrees celsius]... It was overcast… It was overcast this afternoon. It [was] overcast for tonight. [Minus] 17 [degrees celsius]... With the wind, [minus] 18 [degrees celsius]
7:17 It will snow. It will snow later.
7:28 And for… for tomorrow… for tomorrow [Laughter] [Minus] 10 [degrees celsius]. With the wind…[minus] 14 [degrees celsius]? 13, 15, 13… ah… 11, 12, 13, 14…yes… [minus] 14 [degrees celsius] It is cloudy….
8:16 All of the day…
8:20 All of the day… No sun in the afternoon for tomorrow evening… Take it slow, my friend[s]
8:37 [False start] It was good. It was good.
8:42 You want to do… what? [An activity?] You do…
5:58 Shall we play a game? Shall we play a game?
9:06 We shall play a game.
9:10 The game is that you have to do what I say. Yes?
9:32 Ready?
9:33 Ready!
9:34 Ready…[Okay] Wash your face! Wash your face! Wash your face!
9:40 Wash your face! Wash your face! Wash your face! [Verna gestures] Wash you face! Wash your face!
9:55 Yes! Okay then, wash your face!
10:01 You have to do it! You have to do it.
10:08 Wash your face! [Elvis gestures] Face your face! [Verna gestures thumbs up] Wash your face!
10:15 Comb your hair! [Verna gestures] Comb your hair! Comb your hair!
10:20 Comb your hair! [Elvis gestures]
10:22 No, no, no… [Elvis takes off his hat and gestures to his head.]
10:23 [Verna laughs]
10:31 Comb your hair! [Elvis repeats] Comb your hair! Comb your hair! Yes…
11:10 Sleep! Sleep!
11:25 [Elvis gestures sleeping.]
11:26 Yes… Yes… Yes…
11:30 Stretch! [Verna gestures stretching] Stretch!
11:37 Stretch! [Elvis gestures stretching] Stretch!
11:59 A [message]?
12:05 [Verna misspeaks] Respond to it!
12:12 Give a response! A response…[A response] A response… Yes…
12:19 Drink! Drink!
12:22 Drink! [Elvis gestures]
12:36 Eat! [Verna gestures] Eat!
12:41 Cry! Cry!
12:47 Yawn! Yawn!
12:52 [Verna sounds as if she is yawning]
12:55 “dawati”? [Elvis questions pronunciation]
12:56 ‘tawati!’ [Verna models] Yawn! [Laughter] [Okay]
13:06 [Stops the game trying to write down the word…]
13:11 Yawn!
13:15 Laugh! Laugh!
13:23 Laugh!
13:27 ‘Pahpi!’ Laugh! [Verna laughs]
13:41 Smile! Smile!
13:46 [Elvis smiles.]
13:50 Sneeze! Sneeze!
14:01 [Verna pretends to sneeze.]
14:00 Sneeze!
14:09 It’s good, that one, it’s good!
14:14 Wave!
14:17 [Elvis waves]
14:18 Wave! [Verna waves.]
14:23 Wave!
14:28 [Verna models pronunciation] ‘Waashtahikee! Waashtahikee!’
14:41 Wave!
14:56 Ready?
15:00 Sneeze!
15:12 Point things out! [Verna gestures] Point things out! Point things out! Point things out!
15:55 Comb your hair! [Verna gestures]
16:21 Scratch! Scratch! Scratch!
[Elvis stops to write…]
16:50 [Elvis finally gestures.] Scratch! Scratch!
17:11 Point with your mouth! Point with your mouth!
17:31 [Verna models pronunciation] ‘Chipitoneeyi]’
17:55 This now… Nod! Nod!
18:02 [Verna models pronunciation] ‘Nanamishkweeyii!’ Yes… Nod!
18:31 [Nod your head!] [Verna gestures nodding her head.] [Nod your head!] Nod your head!
18:37 This now… [The last one…] Turn up your your nose! [Verna gestures]
18:53 ‘Niishkichaanee[yi]’ [Turn up your nose…] [Verna gestures]
19:01 [You’re crinkling your nose…is what you are doing]
19:14 And, now… And now… I will say the word. I will say the word. [I will say the word.] I will give you an [exam].
19:31 Wash your face! And, you… Wait! And, you, you will say “I wash my face.’
19:41 I will say “Wash your face!’ And, you will say “I wash my face.” [I am washing my face.]
I am washing my face. I am washing my face.
19:54 [Want to try it?]
19:57 Wash your face!
20:00Wash your face! [Elvis gestures]
20:02 No… Yes, but you say “I wash my face.”
20:15 Comb your hair! Comb your hair!
20;19 Comb your hair! [Elvis gestures]
20:21 I comb my hair.
20:23 [That’s how we’ll do it. Those are your examples.]
20:28 [Okay] We will start?
20:31 Wash your face!
20:32 We will start.
20:34 Wash your face!
20:37 I wash my face.
20:40 Comb your hair! [Verna gestures]
20:47 ‘Ni-shikaaho….
20:48 I comb my hair
20:56 Brush your teeth!
21:01 ‘Ni-brush-iin mii daañ.” [I brush my teeth.]
21:14 I brush my teeth.
21:17 Sleep! Sleep!
21:20 ni-…nipaan. [I…sleep]
21:22 Yes! Yes! [Verna gestures ‘thumbs up’.]
21:28 Stretch!
21:33 ‘Ni-shiipiin’ [I stretch.] [Verna models]
21:36 ‘ni-shiipiin’ [Verna models]
21:45 Drink!
21:46 I drink.
21:51 Eat!
21:55 ‘ni-mitshon’ [Verna models] Yes…
22:01 Cry!
22:04 I cry! [Elvis gestures crying]
22:05 Yes! Yes!
22:09 Laugh!
22:19 ‘Ni-bahpin’ [Verna models.] Yes. I laugh. I laugh.
[Elvis laughs][Verna laughs at Elvis.]
22:28 [With a “b” sound, though, eh?’] ‘Ni-bahpin’ [Note: often the ‘ni-’ is dropped.]
22:33 ‘Bahpin’ [Oh, okay]
22:36 Yawn!
22:51 ‘ni-tawatin’ [I yawn.] [Verna models]
22:56 Sneeze!
23:01 ‘Ni-chaashchaamon’ [I sneeze.]
23:02 Yes! Yes! Yes! [Verna gestures ‘thumbs up’]
23:07 Wave!.... Wave!
23:15 ‘Ni-waashtihikaan’ [I wave.] [Verna models] I wave.
23:21 I wave.
23:24 Point!
23:30 ‘nit-itwahikaan’ [I point things out.] [Verna models] I point things out.
23:36 Scratch! Scratch!
23:44 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [I scratch.] [Verna models]
23:50 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [Verna models]
23:52 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [Verna models]
24:01 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [Verna models again.]
24:24 ‘Chipitonee[yi]!’ [Point with your mouth!]
24:33 ‘Ni-chipitonaan’ [I point with my mouth.] [Verna models] [Note the form.]
24:38 ‘Ni-chipitonaan’ [I point with my mouth.] Yes! Yes! [Verna laughs.]
24:47 ‘Nanamishkweeyii!’ [Nod your head!]
24:56 ‘Ni-[na]namishkweeyiin’ [I nod my head.] [Verna models.]
25:10 ‘Nishkichaneeyii!’ [Crinkle up your nose!] Crinkle up your nose!
25:19 ‘Ni-nishkichaneeyiin.’ [I crinkle up my nose.]
25:20 [Good for you!] Yes! Bang on! [True!]
[Elvis reads the verbs from his list. Singular command form and the “I” (1S) form.]
26:10 [Verna models] ‘Ni-brush-iin mii daañ.’ [ I brush my teeth.]
[Elvis reads again.]
26:50 [Verna models] ‘Ni-minihkwaan.’ [ I drink (it).]
26:55 {Elvis reads again.]
27:30 [No!] {Verna models] ‘ni-shoomihkweeyin’ [I smile.]
27:45 [Elvis reads again.]
28:00 ‘Waashtahikee!’ [Verna models.] [Wave!] Wave!
28:11 ‘Ni-waashtahikaan’ [Verna models] [I wave.]
28:36 ‘Waashtahikee!’ [Wave!] [Verna waves finger.] ‘Ni-waashtahikaan’ [I wave.] [Verna gestures with hand.]
28:43 ‘Ni-waashtahikaan.’ [I wave.]
28:45 Yes! [Perfect!]
[Elvis reads again.]
28:59 [Verna models] ‘Nit-itwahikaan’ [I point things out.]
29:04 I point things out.
[Elvis reads again.]
29:17 [Verna models] Yes! ‘Ni-chishchiikiin.’ [I scratch.]
Elvis reads again.
29:41 No. [Verna models] ‘Ni-chipitonaan’ [I point with my mouth.] ‘Ni-chipitonaan’.
[Elvis reads again.]
30:04 [No.] [Verna models] ‘Nanamishkweeyi[i]’ [Nod your head!]
[Elvis reads again.]
30:55 [Verna models] ‘Ni-[na]namishkweeyiin.’ [I nod my head.]
[Elvis reads again.]
31:31 [Verna models] ‘Nishkichaneeyii!’ [Crinkle up your nose!]
31:59 We will finish?
32:04 For tonight…
32:06 My friends….in the room….
32:11 They are [there].
32:16 Tomorrow night again…
32:23 Do a review!
32:25 Good night! I love you! [‘ki-shakihitin’]
00:30 How are you today?
00:33 I’m OK today. I’m OK tonight. I’m OK tonight. Melana and Marilyn are alright tonight…too.
00:47 They are home? Are the home? They are home?
00:55 Yes. They are home.
1:00 What are they doing?
1:05 They are sleeping?
1:06 They are not sleeping….
1:16 She sees it…
1:20 She sees the TV.
1:30 Melana….[loving her cat.]
1:33 ‘Shakihew’ [She loves him.] She loves him… her cat.
1:39 She loves her cat.
1:41 She loves her cat.
1:48 Salem, my cat…with me…in my room
1:58 [Oh…] He is in your room? Right now?
2:01 Yes, yes, yes… How do you say “taking care of grandpa”?
2:07 ‘Pishkeeyimeew Grandpa’ [He is taking care of grandpa.]
2:13 He is taking care of Grandpa. Yes.
2:19 It is cold today, yes?
2:21 It is cold tonight. Yes… It is cold tonight. Yes….
2:27 Today too.
2:29 Today too…. Yes…. It is cold. Yes.
2:34 The afternoon…. [mumbles]
2:42 ‘mooñ shar’ ‘mooñ shar’ [my car]
2:44 ‘mooñ shar’ [my car]
3:07 You car…
3:34 [Oh!] I understand now! It is cold inside the car.
3:36 It is cold in the car.
3:42 Your ‘heater’ isn’t working?
3:36 You don’t have heat?
3:49 No heat.
4:06 It will snow tonight, you think? It will snow tonight?
4:16 Perhaps.
4:18 Perhaps.
4:21 It snowed today.
4:23 It snowed today? [Verna looks confused.]
4:29 In the morning? [Oh? I didn’t…] I didn’t know. I was sleeping. I was sleeping.
4:35 Last night…
4:37 Last night it snowed.
4:42 But not today…? Not today?
4:46 Not today. No.
4:57 ‘Ki-shakihitin, koohkom! [I love you, grandma!]
4:59 [ki-]shakihitin, ‘my girl’! [Love you, my girl!]
5:06 I was sleeping. I was sleeping, me, today, because… I wasn’t feeling well. I was feeling somewhat ill. I went to see the doctor. You understand?
5:24 Yes…
5:31 Yes… I was feeling poorly. [ I wasn’t feeling good.]
5:39 I was feeling poorly….
6:05 Do you want to be the [removed] [reporter] tonight… for the weather?
6:18 How are you all? In Brandon, Elvis Demontigny your reporter tonight… In brandon, [minus] 17…?
6:44 Oh yes! Yes…
6:46 [Minus] 17 [degrees celsius]... It was overcast… It was overcast this afternoon. It [was] overcast for tonight. [Minus] 17 [degrees celsius]... With the wind, [minus] 18 [degrees celsius]
7:17 It will snow. It will snow later.
7:28 And for… for tomorrow… for tomorrow [Laughter] [Minus] 10 [degrees celsius]. With the wind…[minus] 14 [degrees celsius]? 13, 15, 13… ah… 11, 12, 13, 14…yes… [minus] 14 [degrees celsius] It is cloudy….
8:16 All of the day…
8:20 All of the day… No sun in the afternoon for tomorrow evening… Take it slow, my friend[s]
8:37 [False start] It was good. It was good.
8:42 You want to do… what? [An activity?] You do…
5:58 Shall we play a game? Shall we play a game?
9:06 We shall play a game.
9:10 The game is that you have to do what I say. Yes?
9:32 Ready?
9:33 Ready!
9:34 Ready…[Okay] Wash your face! Wash your face! Wash your face!
9:40 Wash your face! Wash your face! Wash your face! [Verna gestures] Wash you face! Wash your face!
9:55 Yes! Okay then, wash your face!
10:01 You have to do it! You have to do it.
10:08 Wash your face! [Elvis gestures] Face your face! [Verna gestures thumbs up] Wash your face!
10:15 Comb your hair! [Verna gestures] Comb your hair! Comb your hair!
10:20 Comb your hair! [Elvis gestures]
10:22 No, no, no… [Elvis takes off his hat and gestures to his head.]
10:23 [Verna laughs]
10:31 Comb your hair! [Elvis repeats] Comb your hair! Comb your hair! Yes…
11:10 Sleep! Sleep!
11:25 [Elvis gestures sleeping.]
11:26 Yes… Yes… Yes…
11:30 Stretch! [Verna gestures stretching] Stretch!
11:37 Stretch! [Elvis gestures stretching] Stretch!
11:59 A [message]?
12:05 [Verna misspeaks] Respond to it!
12:12 Give a response! A response…[A response] A response… Yes…
12:19 Drink! Drink!
12:22 Drink! [Elvis gestures]
12:36 Eat! [Verna gestures] Eat!
12:41 Cry! Cry!
12:47 Yawn! Yawn!
12:52 [Verna sounds as if she is yawning]
12:55 “dawati”? [Elvis questions pronunciation]
12:56 ‘tawati!’ [Verna models] Yawn! [Laughter] [Okay]
13:06 [Stops the game trying to write down the word…]
13:11 Yawn!
13:15 Laugh! Laugh!
13:23 Laugh!
13:27 ‘Pahpi!’ Laugh! [Verna laughs]
13:41 Smile! Smile!
13:46 [Elvis smiles.]
13:50 Sneeze! Sneeze!
14:01 [Verna pretends to sneeze.]
14:00 Sneeze!
14:09 It’s good, that one, it’s good!
14:14 Wave!
14:17 [Elvis waves]
14:18 Wave! [Verna waves.]
14:23 Wave!
14:28 [Verna models pronunciation] ‘Waashtahikee! Waashtahikee!’
14:41 Wave!
14:56 Ready?
15:00 Sneeze!
15:12 Point things out! [Verna gestures] Point things out! Point things out! Point things out!
15:55 Comb your hair! [Verna gestures]
16:21 Scratch! Scratch! Scratch!
[Elvis stops to write…]
16:50 [Elvis finally gestures.] Scratch! Scratch!
17:11 Point with your mouth! Point with your mouth!
17:31 [Verna models pronunciation] ‘Chipitoneeyi]’
17:55 This now… Nod! Nod!
18:02 [Verna models pronunciation] ‘Nanamishkweeyii!’ Yes… Nod!
18:31 [Nod your head!] [Verna gestures nodding her head.] [Nod your head!] Nod your head!
18:37 This now… [The last one…] Turn up your your nose! [Verna gestures]
18:53 ‘Niishkichaanee[yi]’ [Turn up your nose…] [Verna gestures]
19:01 [You’re crinkling your nose…is what you are doing]
19:14 And, now… And now… I will say the word. I will say the word. [I will say the word.] I will give you an [exam].
19:31 Wash your face! And, you… Wait! And, you, you will say “I wash my face.’
19:41 I will say “Wash your face!’ And, you will say “I wash my face.” [I am washing my face.]
I am washing my face. I am washing my face.
19:54 [Want to try it?]
19:57 Wash your face!
20:00Wash your face! [Elvis gestures]
20:02 No… Yes, but you say “I wash my face.”
20:15 Comb your hair! Comb your hair!
20;19 Comb your hair! [Elvis gestures]
20:21 I comb my hair.
20:23 [That’s how we’ll do it. Those are your examples.]
20:28 [Okay] We will start?
20:31 Wash your face!
20:32 We will start.
20:34 Wash your face!
20:37 I wash my face.
20:40 Comb your hair! [Verna gestures]
20:47 ‘Ni-shikaaho….
20:48 I comb my hair
20:56 Brush your teeth!
21:01 ‘Ni-brush-iin mii daañ.” [I brush my teeth.]
21:14 I brush my teeth.
21:17 Sleep! Sleep!
21:20 ni-…nipaan. [I…sleep]
21:22 Yes! Yes! [Verna gestures ‘thumbs up’.]
21:28 Stretch!
21:33 ‘Ni-shiipiin’ [I stretch.] [Verna models]
21:36 ‘ni-shiipiin’ [Verna models]
21:45 Drink!
21:46 I drink.
21:51 Eat!
21:55 ‘ni-mitshon’ [Verna models] Yes…
22:01 Cry!
22:04 I cry! [Elvis gestures crying]
22:05 Yes! Yes!
22:09 Laugh!
22:19 ‘Ni-bahpin’ [Verna models.] Yes. I laugh. I laugh.
[Elvis laughs][Verna laughs at Elvis.]
22:28 [With a “b” sound, though, eh?’] ‘Ni-bahpin’ [Note: often the ‘ni-’ is dropped.]
22:33 ‘Bahpin’ [Oh, okay]
22:36 Yawn!
22:51 ‘ni-tawatin’ [I yawn.] [Verna models]
22:56 Sneeze!
23:01 ‘Ni-chaashchaamon’ [I sneeze.]
23:02 Yes! Yes! Yes! [Verna gestures ‘thumbs up’]
23:07 Wave!.... Wave!
23:15 ‘Ni-waashtihikaan’ [I wave.] [Verna models] I wave.
23:21 I wave.
23:24 Point!
23:30 ‘nit-itwahikaan’ [I point things out.] [Verna models] I point things out.
23:36 Scratch! Scratch!
23:44 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [I scratch.] [Verna models]
23:50 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [Verna models]
23:52 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [Verna models]
24:01 ‘ni-chihchiikiin’ [Verna models again.]
24:24 ‘Chipitonee[yi]!’ [Point with your mouth!]
24:33 ‘Ni-chipitonaan’ [I point with my mouth.] [Verna models] [Note the form.]
24:38 ‘Ni-chipitonaan’ [I point with my mouth.] Yes! Yes! [Verna laughs.]
24:47 ‘Nanamishkweeyii!’ [Nod your head!]
24:56 ‘Ni-[na]namishkweeyiin’ [I nod my head.] [Verna models.]
25:10 ‘Nishkichaneeyii!’ [Crinkle up your nose!] Crinkle up your nose!
25:19 ‘Ni-nishkichaneeyiin.’ [I crinkle up my nose.]
25:20 [Good for you!] Yes! Bang on! [True!]
[Elvis reads the verbs from his list. Singular command form and the “I” (1S) form.]
26:10 [Verna models] ‘Ni-brush-iin mii daañ.’ [ I brush my teeth.]
[Elvis reads again.]
26:50 [Verna models] ‘Ni-minihkwaan.’ [ I drink (it).]
26:55 {Elvis reads again.]
27:30 [No!] {Verna models] ‘ni-shoomihkweeyin’ [I smile.]
27:45 [Elvis reads again.]
28:00 ‘Waashtahikee!’ [Verna models.] [Wave!] Wave!
28:11 ‘Ni-waashtahikaan’ [Verna models] [I wave.]
28:36 ‘Waashtahikee!’ [Wave!] [Verna waves finger.] ‘Ni-waashtahikaan’ [I wave.] [Verna gestures with hand.]
28:43 ‘Ni-waashtahikaan.’ [I wave.]
28:45 Yes! [Perfect!]
[Elvis reads again.]
28:59 [Verna models] ‘Nit-itwahikaan’ [I point things out.]
29:04 I point things out.
[Elvis reads again.]
29:17 [Verna models] Yes! ‘Ni-chishchiikiin.’ [I scratch.]
Elvis reads again.
29:41 No. [Verna models] ‘Ni-chipitonaan’ [I point with my mouth.] ‘Ni-chipitonaan’.
[Elvis reads again.]
30:04 [No.] [Verna models] ‘Nanamishkweeyi[i]’ [Nod your head!]
[Elvis reads again.]
30:55 [Verna models] ‘Ni-[na]namishkweeyiin.’ [I nod my head.]
[Elvis reads again.]
31:31 [Verna models] ‘Nishkichaneeyii!’ [Crinkle up your nose!]
31:59 We will finish?
32:04 For tonight…
32:06 My friends….in the room….
32:11 They are [there].
32:16 Tomorrow night again…
32:23 Do a review!
32:25 Good night! I love you! [‘ki-shakihitin’]
Location Description:
Brandon, Manitoba
Original Date:
2020 December 14thCreator:
© 2020 Prairies to Woodlands Indigenous Language Revitalization Circle Inc.
(permission required to use or reproduce content)Citation:
Prairies to Woodlands Langauge Rivitalization Circle. "ZOOM Recording December 14, 2020." Louis Riel Institute. Louis Riel Institute Archives. Accessed 23 February 2025, lriarchives.ca/digital-heritage/zoom-recording-december-14-2020Source:
Louis Riel InstitutePublisher:
Louis Riel InstituteType: